In 2010 more and more people will opt for all kinds of loan from home to estate to auto. While the economic crisis has just brushed away the sinking market, it’s time to invest wisely.  And as Obama keeps some of us sailing through our past hefty home loans through his “Mortgage Modification Program,” it’s important that you don’t lose your FICO scores in other acquired loans such as Auto.

FICO scores represent the credit worthiness of a person and his or her position to pay back the debts. Credit scores are calculated to gauge the risk of default by considering and taking in account of various factors of a person’s financial history. However, the actual formulae to understand the credit score is highly guarded, FICO has revealed the mechanism and components with which they provide weight age for each category;  where the highest component  of FICO  i.e. 35% includes card or automobile loan.

Auto loans are quite risky for people who have low credit scores. A person with low credit score when applies for auto loan would qualify for a higher interest rate compared to a person with good scored card. “It’s not only about money but the ability to manage it, and more importantly to have a reputation via financial stability.

“If you are in the midst of a bad loan or hit by bad credit score, you can still act smart and go for loan modification. Where the lender not only gives you options and guidance but also examines a full research report on your status.

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